Pubblicato su 04.15.2021

2021 Annual General Meeting

Given the extension of the public health state of emergency until June 1, 2021 and in accordance with the measures adopted by the government to stem the spread of the Covid 19 epidemic , the Company decided, in accordance with the relevant legal and regulatory provisions in force, to hold its Shareholders’ Meeting on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 10.30 a.m. behind closed doors at the Company’s registered office at 22 avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France. In fact, as at the date on which the Shareholders’ Meeting was convened, health measures were imposed by the French government limiting or barring public gatherings, thus preventing the shareholders from attending the Meeting in person.

Accordingly, no admission cards will be given out. We invite you therefore to vote online or to give proxy to the Chairman of the Meeting or to a third party (spouse, civil partner, another shareholder of LVMH, any other individual or legal entity selected by you). Detailed instructions on how to participate can be found on in the convening brochure below.

To enable you to participate in this Shareholders’ Meeting under the best possible conditions, the Shareholders’ Meeting will be transmitted live and a recorded version will be available on the Company’s website.

In addition to your legal right to put questions in writing, you can submit questions by email to between Wednesday, March 24, 2021 and 12.00 midday(Paris time) on Wednesday, April 14, 2021. These questions must imperatively be accompanied by a certificate of shareholder account registration. These questions will be answered during the Shareholders’ Meeting based on a representative selection of the subjects addressed by the shareholders.


Access the webcast


Compensation policy in respect of non-senior executive company officers and senior executive officers
Vote of resolutions
Composition of the Shareholders’ Meeting Bureau
Procedures for making available and consulting preparatory documents
Convening brochure April 15, 2021 (e-accessible)
Single Attendance Form
Notice of meeting published in the BALO on March 24, 2021– French version only
Draft-Bylaws updated April 15, 2021
How to participate in the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 15, 2021
> Statutory Auditors’ Reports on the draft resolutions (included in the Convening brochure)
Responses to written questions

Notice specifying the availability of 2020 Universal Registration Document
2020 Universal Registration Document
2020 Annual Report

Notice of meeting published in the BALO on March 10, 2021 – French version only
Press release dated March 12, 2021 – Shareholders’ Meeting to be held behind closed doors
Resolutions for the approval of the combined shareholders’ meeting
Board of Directors’ Report on the draft resolutions
Disclosure of total outstanding shares and voting rights at the date of the publication of the Notice of Meeting on March 10, 2021 – French version only