Every action taken by the Group and its employees reflects LVMH’s commitment to ethics and social and environmental responsibility. Committed to the highest standards in this area, the Group has defined rules of conduct and principles of action that guide the day-to-day behavior of its employees and all its stakeholders.
" At LVMH in our Maisons, we have long distinguished ourselves by making strong commitments to and taking care to comply with the highest standards of ethics and integrity, social responsibility, and respect for the environment, everywhere in the world. "

Bernard Arnault


The Code of Conduct reflects the Group’s commitments to ethics and integrity, social and environmental responsibility. It refers to the charters and internal policies that have been developed on these topics: together, they form the ethics framework that governs all actions taken by LVMH and set out the rules that each employee must follow in their day-to-day activities.The Code of Conduct is divided into three chapters:
  • a committed group
  • a responsible employer
  • a group with integrity
It is available in 19 languages.> Access LVMH Code of Conduct 


The LVMH Group attaches great importance to ensuring that its Maisons and their partners share a set of common rules, practices and principles with respect to ethics, social responsibility and protection of the environment.Each LVMH Group Maison therefore requires its suppliers and business partners to respect the ethical principles detailed in the Supplier Code of Conduct and to ensure that their own suppliers do the same in the conduct of their activities for the Group.> Access Suppliers Code of Conduct


The LVMH Anti-Corruption Charter reaffirms LVMH’s “zero tolerance” policy towards corruption and influence peddling. It sets forth a common set of rules on preventing corruption that apply to all Group employees. It gives concrete examples to illustrate the various types of conduct to avoid and provides guidance on the reflexes employees should develop.> Access the Anti-Corruption Charter


The LVMH Group takes part in public policy discussions in a spirit of constructive dialogue and cooperation with the stakeholders concerned, including but not only political leaders and the institutions responsible for decision-making. The key principles of integrity, transparency, and accuracy must guide the Group’s participation in the public sphere, which is in line with its ethical approach as set out in the LVMH Code of Conduct.> Access the Responsible Lobbying Charter 


LVMH encourages open communication and dialogue within the Group and with its external partners and clients (“stakeholders”): that’s why the Group created the LVMH Alert Line, an online interface that provides a fully confidential and secure way of reporting in good faith violations of the laws, regulations, or principles of internal conduct.> Find out more about the LVMH Alert Line