Health and Safety Charter

As an employer, the LVMH group considers itself responsible for providing a safe and fulfilling work environment for all of its employees by combining quality of life at work and the drive for performance.

The Group has therefore committed to developing and maintaining stringent standards of occupational health, safety and well-being that integrate a high level of responsibility and respect for others.

This belief requires the implementation of a comprehensive approach across all operations in order to develop a “zero accident” culture.

This approach is based on five pillars:

1. Identify health and safety risks. Risk assessment is the foundation of any effective and long-lasting approach. It can be used to identify health, safety and well-being priorities to prevent risks and take appropriate action in every situation.

Commitment: each Maison structures its health and safety approach.


2. Establish a health and safety action plan. Providing responses to the identified risks relies on the implementation of roadmaps to prevent (through objectives and action plans), analyze and manage (through accident analysis, monitoring, corrective action plans and continuous improvement) those risks. These roadmaps will also address employee well-being.

Commitment: each Maison regularly reviews its health and safety approach.


3. Manage the health and safety approach. Each Maison’s Management Committee will incorporate health and safety into their decision making and governance; it will also be a focus in their strategic reviews.

Commitment: each Maison’s Management Committee analyzes its health and safety performance annually, with a particular focus given to the evolution of the accident frequency rate.


4. Ensure all employees have an active role in health and safety. Employees at every level of the LVMH group are trained in health and safety and incorporate that knowledge into their behavior, attitudes, activities and professional relationships.

Commitment: raise all employees’ awareness about risk prevention and first aid.


5. Maintain a virtuous culture for a safe environment. Within each Maison, various stakeholders (including, depending on the Maison and country, employees, managers, occupational health services, employee representatives and purchasing departments) work to improve health, safety and well-being. At Group level, a network of experts meet regularly to guide the practical application of the Policy.

Commitment: the Group dedicates one day per year to promoting health, safety and quality of life at work.

Group's intiatives

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