LIFE 360 Business Partners

LIFE 360 Business Partners plan, announced at the LIFE 360 summit in December 2023

LVMH's compass for supporting its suppliers, particularly in the areas of raw materials and transport, this program aims to work with them to reduce Scope 3 emissions, which account for 96% of the Group's carbon footprint.

LVMH recognizes the complexity involved in meeting environmental challenges, and has made a commitment to significantly reduce its Scope 3 emissions. The Group firmly believes that close cooperation with its entire ecosystem is essential to achieve this goal and has thus launched LIFE 360 Business Partners, a program presented during the LIFE 360 Summit in December 2023.

This program aims to support LVMH’s suppliers and partners around different dimensions of their environmental policies and actions, particularly reduction of their CO2 emissions, as well as solutions to reduce water consumption and impact on biodiversity.

LIFE 360 Business Partners will build on supplier transition plans already established by some Maisons, guiding the entire Group on a shared path to progress. The program will evolve to address the different needs of LVMH partners. Starting in 2024, Sustainability Business Partners Days are being organized to give suppliers a forum to articulate their expectations regarding their environmental transition. Work groups will provide an additional channel for dialogue among peers.

What’s more, the Group will share knowledge and environmental training programs with suppliers, as well as regulatory monitoring information. A dedicated platform is planned to promote the exchange of solutions and expertise.

“Scope 3 emissions account for more than 90% of our environmental footprint and arise mainly from the impact of raw materials and transport. This encompasses emissions from the upstream and downstream of our value chain, not assets that we own or control. This is why these emissions are the most challenging to reduce. To achieve our ambitious scope 3 targets, both in terms of carbon emissions and impact on water and biodiversity, the mobilization of suppliers is essential. LVMH is committed to supporting them with the LIFE 360 Business Partners program,” explained Hélène Valade, Environment Development Director, LVMH.

Group's intiatives

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